============ diversity.py ============ Calculate and plot for two sample categories: Shannon diversity, Chao1 diversity, and a Jaccard similiarity distance matrix heatmap. .. code-block:: bash usage: usage: diversity.py [-h][-c {shannon,chao1,jaccard} [{shannon,chao1,jaccard} ...]] [-p IMAGE_TYPE] map_file biom_file category plot_title out_dir Required arguments ------------------- .. cmdoption:: map_file QIIME mapping file. .. cmdoption:: biom_file BIOM table file name .. cmdoption:: category Specific category from the mapping file. .. cmdoption:: plot_title The name of a PDF file the pathway map will be written to. .. cmdoption:: out_dir The directory all plots will be saved to. Optional arguments ------------------ .. cmdoption:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. cmdoption:: -c {shannon,chao1,jaccard} [{shannon,chao1,jaccard} ...] Choose the type of calculation needed. Default value is "None", which will output all 3 types of calculations. .. cmdoption:: -p IMAGE_TYPE, --image_type IMAGE_TYPE The type of image to save: PNG, SVG, etc.