====================== Create network plots based on correlation matrix. .. code-block:: bash usage: [-h] [-go GEXF_OUT] [-fp FIL_PCT] [-w STATS_OUT_FNH] biom_file mapping_file condition_column in_corr_mat cat_name Required Arguments ------------------- .. cmdoption:: biom_file The biom-format file. .. cmdoption:: mapping_file Mapping file for reading sampleIDs and their groups. .. cmdoption:: condition_column Column name in mapping file denoting the categories. .. cmdoption:: in_corr_mat Correlation matrix file. The format for the tab-separated file should be: Category -> Variable -> by Variable -> Correlation .. cmdoption:: cat_name Category to be plotted. Optional Arguments ------------------ .. cmdoption:: -go GEXF_OUT, --gexf_out GEXF_OUT The directory to output the PCoA plots to. .. cmdoption:: --scaling_factor SCALING_FACTOR Graph information written to this Graph Exchange XML Format file. This file can be input to Gephi. .. cmdoption:: -fp FIL_PCT, --fil_pct FIL_PCT Specify the minimum value of correlation strength to display. By default, all correlations greater than or equal to 0.75 will be shown. .. cmdoption:: -w STATS_OUT_FNH, --stats_out_fnh STATS_OUT_FNH Write out graph statistics - degree and betweenness centrality calculations for each node. .. cmdoption:: -h, --help Show this help message and exit