============ diversity.py ============ Calculate the alpha diversity of a set of samples using one or more metrics and output a kernal density estimator-smoothed histogram of the results. .. code-block:: bash usage: diversity.py [-h] [-d DIVERSITY [DIVERSITY ...]] [--plot_title PLOT_TITLE] [--image_type IMAGE_TYPE] [--save_calculations SAVE_CALCULATIONS] [--show_significance] [--show_available_metrics] -m MAP_FILE -i BIOM_FP -c CATEGORY --color_by COLOR_BY -o OUT_DIR Required arguments ------------------- .. cmdoption:: -m MAP_FILE, --map_file MAP_FILE QIIME mapping file. .. cmdoption:: -i BIOM_FP, --biom_fp BIOM_FP BIOM table file name .. cmdoption:: -c CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY Specific category from the mapping file. .. cmdoption:: --color_by COLOR_BY A column name in the mapping file containing hexadecimal (#FF0000) color values that will be used to color the groups. Each sample ID must have a color entry. .. cmdoption:: -o OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR The directory all plots will be saved to. Optional arguments ------------------ .. cmdoption:: -h, --help show this help message and exit .. cmdoption:: -d DIVERSITY [DIVERSITY ...], --diversity DIVERSITY [DIVERSITY ...] The alpha diversity metric. Default value is 'shannon', which will calculate the Shannon entropy. Multiple metrics can be specified (space separated). The full list of metrics is available at: http://scikit-bio.org/docs/latest/generated/skbio.diversity.alpha.html. .. cmdoption:: --plot_title PLOT_TITLE The name of a PDF file the pathway map will be written to. .. cmdoption:: -p IMAGE_TYPE, --image_type IMAGE_TYPE The type of image to save: PNG, SVG, etc. .. cmdoption:: --save_calculations SAVE_CALCULATIONS Path and name of text file to store the calculated diversity metrics. .. cmdoption:: --show_significance Display significance testing results. The results will be shown by default. .. cmdoption:: --show_available_metrics Supply this parameter to see which alpha diversity metrics are available for usage. No calculations will be performed if this parameter is provided.