==================== condense_workflow.py ==================== This workflow script will run all three steps of the OTU condensing pipeline automatically with the default output file settings. .. code-block:: bash usage: condense_workflow.py [-h] -i ASSIGNED_TAXONOMY_FN -r REP_SET_FN -s SEQS_OTUS_FN [-L {k,p,c,o,f,g,s}] [-v] Required arguments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. cmdoption:: -i ASSIGNED_TAXONOMY_FN, --assigned_taxonomy_fn ASSIGNED_TAXONOMY_FN The taxonomy file output by the assign_taxonomy script. .. cmdoption:: -r REP_SET_FN, --rep_set_fn REP_SET_FN The set of representative sequences. .. cmdoption:: -s SEQS_OTUS_FN, --seqs_otus_fn SEQS_OTUS_FN The list of OTU IDs and their associated sequence IDs. Optional arguments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. cmdoption:: -L {k,p,c,o,f,g,s}, --phylogenetic_level {k,p,c,o,f,g,s} Set the phylogenetic level at which to define OTUs for condensing and downstream processing. Defaults to species level. .. cmdoption:: -h, --help Show the help message and exit .. cmdoption:: -v, --verbose Print detailed information about script operation.